31 August 2009

Week with YWAM

Youth With a Mission (YWAM) invited me to speak at their University of the Nations campus this last week. I spent the week teaching for 3 hours every morning to a group of about 40 20-something students on "The Fundamentals of Christian Leadership".

Besides the joy of teaching about one of my favorite topics, it was great to spend a week with hundreds of people who have committed their life to mission. The entire base seemed to be filled with some of the most passionate followers of Jesus on the planet. It made for an especially fun class as I didn't need to draw students out to help them care. They already did.

Besides having fun and using my gifts, the week forced me to boil all of my leadership thoughts and philosophies down to a just a couple of ideas. I had to ask myself the question: what do I believe are the most important and essential fundamentals of the faith? That was hard work but worth doing. I know it will have lasting impact on the way I think about leadership in the future.

1 comment:

polosail said...

When called on to make stand-up remarks with unduly limited prep time, use the French lycee method:
the subject is presented via an introduction, 3 parts, and a conclusion. The intro states the issue and informs how the parts will approach it; the parts take on the 3 major elements of the matter at hand; the conclusion draws itself expressly from the parts; and then acknowledges any aspects meriting further examination were opportunity allowed.
Senior French officials can be heard using this matrix even in formally prepared speeches.