26 August 2008

#4 But what about the kids?

Abigail, Jacob, and Alyson are really excited to go! Just ask them. They talk about Africa all the time and little Alyson sounds about as cute as can be when she says "mo-za-beek"

We don't think we are doing harm to our kids by choosing to raise them in a third-world country. In fact, perhaps in the long run we will be doing them a favor. Our kids will grow up knowing people with AIDS, being able to speak other languages, and knowing first-hand what life changing ministry looks like.

Our hope is for them to attend international schools as they grow up. But they certainly still need your prayers. We hope to find friends who will commit to pray for one our children every week.

Let us know if you would like to do that and we will keep you on a special "kid" mailing list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be on the kid prayer list.