14 December 2009


I have been listening to the New Testament on CD as I drive to and from appointments around town (upon the recommendation of Ed Dobson). As I listened to the entire book of Matthew on a trip to and from the airport a couple of weeks ago, I noticed how often Matthew records that God spoke to people through dreams. Even Christmas would have been different had God not spoken to Joseph about the true Father of Jesus in a dream, or if the "wise men" had not been warned to head a different direction in a dream.

However, I have been in dozens of conversations over the years with individuals who are interested in hearing from God or who believe they have heard from God, but I can count on one hand the number of time someone told me that God spoke to them in a dream.


Certainly God still speaks through dreams. When the Holy Spirit first came at Pentecost Peter quoted a passage from Amos that indicated that in the present age "Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Dreams should be a normal way to hear from God for those filled with the Spirit.

Yet I can't recall a single dream from God.

Perhaps we have lost the art of paying attention to dreams. Perhaps we haven't disciplined ourselves to record the contents of our dreams after they happen. But if we truly desire to hear from God, and wish for Him to speak to us, perhaps we should pay more attention to our dreams.

12 December 2009

The Car Accident

I thought I would write the full story of the car accident for those who are interested. My car is at the body shop for an estimate so pictures will need to be forthcoming.

I was going to WorldVenture to drop off some checks, travelling northbound on Broadway. As I approached the intersection of Broadway and Grant (with Wendy's and Midas), a car began to creep into the intersection to make a left in front of me. He couldn't see me initially because there was a box truck in my left-hand turn lane.

When I saw him continue to creep along, I hit my horn, at which point he hit his accelerator. I swerved so we wouldn't hit head on, but instead took him down the left-hand side of the car. He hit at the driver's side wheel well and side-swiped me all the way to my back left bumper.

After hitting me, he stayed on his accelerator, jumped the curb, climbed a grass berm and dropped down a 6 foot wall into the Midas parking lot. I watched out of my rear view mirror. It was like something out of Dukes of Hazzard.

I hit my shoulder and head during the impact and still have the lingering effects of whiplash three days later. The elderly gentleman who hit me (and who should not have been allowed the wheel of a motor vehicle) is still at Littleton Hospital. I'm not sure what is wrong with him.

He claimed he didn't have insurance but he wasn't very lucid after the accident. I didn't carry comprehensive on my car since it was pretty old and I am moving out of the country in a couple of months. Oh well. Fortunately I carried Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury.